许志展,曾冰冰,黄振华,郭其焰,陈晶晶,严毅,蔡政雄.应用MSC MARC有限元分析软件优化27.00R49巨型工程机械子午线轮胎带束层结构[J].轮胎工业,2023,43(3):0144-0148 本文二维码信息
应用MSC MARC有限元分析软件优化27.00R49巨型工程机械子午线轮胎带束层结构
Optimize of Belt Structure of 27.00R49 Giant Off-The-Road Radial Tire by MSC MARC Finite Element Analysis Software
投稿时间:2022-05-16  修订日期:2022-05-16
中文关键词: 巨型工程机械子午线轮胎  带束层  有限元分析  受力  接地印痕
英文关键词: giant off-the-road radial tire  belt  finite element analysis  force  footprint
许志展* 海安橡胶集团股份公司 357423936@qq.com 
曾冰冰 海安橡胶集团股份公司  
黄振华 海安橡胶集团股份公司  
郭其焰 海安橡胶集团股份公司  
陈晶晶 海安橡胶集团股份公司  
严毅 海安橡胶集团股份公司  
蔡政雄 海安橡胶集团股份公司  
摘要点击次数: 916
全文下载次数: 469
      以27.00R49巨型工程机械子午线轮胎为例,应用MSC MARC2021有限元分析软件建立轮胎静态有限元模型,研究A方案带束层结构光面轮胎与带花纹轮胎的静负荷受力情况;B方案为A方案带束层结构的优化方案,对两种方案带束层结构的各层受力和轮胎接地印痕进行有限元分析,并与实测结果进行对比。结果表明,B方案带束层结构比A方案更优,有利于减少轮胎胎肩脱层问题。
      Taking 27.00R49 giant off-the-road radial tire as an example,the static finite element model of tire was established by using MSC MARC2021 finite element analysis software,the static load force of smooth tire and tread pattern tire of scheme A belt structure were studied.Scheme B was the optimization scheme of the belt structure of scheme A,the force on each belt layer and footprint of tire of the belt structure of two schemes were analyzed by finite element analysis,and compared with the measured results.The results showed that the belt structure of scheme B was better than that of scheme A,which was conducive to reducing the problem of tire shoulder delamination.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Zhizhan Xu Haian Rubber Group Co.,Ltd. 357423936@qq.com 
Bingbing Zeng Haian Rubber Group Co.,Ltd.  
Zhenhua Huang Haian Rubber Group Co.,Ltd.  
Qiyan Guo Haian Rubber Group Co.,Ltd.  
Jinjin Chen Haian Rubber Group Co.,Ltd.  
Yi Yan Haian Rubber Group Co.,Ltd.  
CAI Zhengxiong Haian Rubber Group Co.,Ltd.  
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