陈亚婷,王君,董康,刘文国,赵晓东,王鹭飞,许婧婧,梁雪,张萌萌.混炼工艺对低滚阻改性剂DS01M作用的影响[J].轮胎工业,2024,44(11):0690-0696 本文二维码信息
Influence of Mixing Processes on Effect of Low Rolling Resistance Modifier DS01M
投稿时间:2023-10-09  修订日期:2023-10-09
中文关键词: 混炼工艺  低滚阻改性剂  白炭黑  加工性能  滚动阻力
英文关键词: mixing process  low rolling resistance modifier  silica  processing performance  rolling resistance
陈亚婷* 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司 ytchen0920@163.com 
王君 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
董康 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
刘文国 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
赵晓东 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
王鹭飞 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
许婧婧 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
梁雪 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
张萌萌 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
摘要点击次数: 161
全文下载次数: 81
      The effect of low rolling resistance modifier DS01M(referred to as DS01M) in compounds under different mixing processe were studied.The results showed that the effect of DS01M was minimal in the mixing process which both DS01M and silica were added simultaneously.The pre-modification mixing process of raw rubber with DS01M could maximize the effect of DS01M,but the appearance of compound was poor and processing was difficult.In the mixing process of adding DS01M and silica in batches,the effect of DS01M was significant,and the processing performance met the requirements.The mixing process had little effect on the compound without DS01M.Under suitable mixing process,DS01M could improve the dispersibility of silica,effectively reduce the Payne effect and hysteresis loss of compound,and maintain good physical properties.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
chenyating Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd ytchen0920@163.com 
wangjun Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
dongkang Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
liuwenguo Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
zhaoxiaodong Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
wanglufei Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
xujingjing Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
liangxue Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
zhangmengmeng Qingdao Double Star Tire Co.Ltd  
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