许婧婧,王鹭飞,梁 雪,董 康,陈亚婷,刘文国,赵晓东,张萌萌,黄义钢,王贵宾.不同微观结构溶聚丁苯橡胶对胎面胶“魔三角” 性能的影响[J].轮胎工业,2024,44(11):0666-0670 本文二维码信息
不同微观结构溶聚丁苯橡胶对胎面胶“魔三角” 性能的影响
Effect of SSBR with Different Microstructures on “Magic Triangle” Performance of Tread Compound
投稿时间:2023-09-20  修订日期:2023-09-20
中文关键词: 溶聚丁苯橡胶  顺丁橡胶  胎面胶  抗湿滑性能  耐磨性能  滚动阻力
英文关键词: SSBR  BR  tread compound  wet skid resistance  wear resistance  rolling resistance
许婧婧* 双星集团有限责任公司 1677632548@qq.com 
王鹭飞 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
梁 雪 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
董 康 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
陈亚婷 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
刘文国 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
赵晓东 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
张萌萌 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
黄义钢 青岛双星轮胎工业有限公司  
王贵宾 吉林大学  
摘要点击次数: 174
全文下载次数: 91
      Solution polymerized styrene butadiene rubber(SSBR) with different microstructures and butadiene rubber(BR) were blended separately,and the effect of SSBR microstructure on the properties of SSBR/BR blends was investigated. The results showed that in a certain range,with the increased of phenethyl content,the tensile strength of SSBR/BR vulcanizate trended to increased,and there was a good linear correlation between rebound value and cutting amount. The t90 of the high styrene and low to medium vinyl content SSBR/BR blends was shorter,the maximum vulcanization rate was higher,the wet skid resistance and wear resistance of the vulcanizate were higher,while the rolling resistance was lower.
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
XU Jingjing Doublestar Group Co. Ltd 1677632548@qq.com 
WANG Lufei Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industry Co. Ltd  
LIANG Xue Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industry Co. Ltd  
DONG Kang Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industry Co. Ltd  
CHEN Yating Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industry Co. Ltd  
LIU Wenguo Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industrial Co., Ltd  
ZHAO Xiaodong Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industrial Co., Ltd  
ZHANG Mengmeng Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industrial Co., Ltd  
HUANG Yigang Qingdao Doublestar Tire Industrial Co., Ltd  
Wang Guibin Jilin University  
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