姚利丽,周志嵩,朱晨露,周洁,华欣,姜志美.芳纶纤维及其复合材料的研究进展[J].橡胶科技,2018,16(3):5-11. 本文二维码信息
Research Progress in Aramid Fiber and Its Composites
中文关键词: 芳纶纤维  复合材料  复合帘线
英文关键词: aramid fiber  composite material  composite cord
姚利丽 江苏兴达钢帘线股份有限公司江苏省结构与功能复合材料重点实验室 
周志嵩 江苏兴达钢帘线股份有限公司江苏省结构与功能复合材料重点实验室 
朱晨露 江苏兴达钢帘线股份有限公司江苏省结构与功能复合材料重点实验室 
周洁 江苏兴达钢帘线股份有限公司江苏省结构与功能复合材料重点实验室 
华欣 江苏兴达钢帘线股份有限公司江苏省结构与功能复合材料重点实验室 
姜志美 江苏兴达钢帘线股份有限公司江苏省结构与功能复合材料重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 883
全文下载次数: 1436
      The properties and research status of aramid fiber are introduced. The application of aramid fiber composite material and the development and performance improvement of aramid fiber composite cord are presented. Aramid fiber has a variety of unique properties which has been widely studied at home and abroad. The technical problems in the preparation and application of aramid fiber have been continuously broken through,and so it is used in more and more applications. The manufacturing of aramid fiber is mainly in the United States,Japan and Europe. However,the development and production of aramid fiber in China is moving forward rapidly. Aramid fiber composites are widely used in military and civil fields. Aramid fiber composite cords are mainly divided into two types: multiply cord,and core-shell cord. With aramid fiber composite cord,the compression fatigue resistance,tensile properties and adhesion properties of the composites are improved.
Author NameAffiliation
YAO Lili Jiangsu Xingda Steel Cord Co. LtdJiangsu Key Laboratory of Structural and Functional Composites 
ZHOU Zisong Jiangsu Xingda Steel Cord Co. LtdJiangsu Key Laboratory of Structural and Functional Composites 
ZHU Chenlu Jiangsu Xingda Steel Cord Co. LtdJiangsu Key Laboratory of Structural and Functional Composites 
ZHOU Jie Jiangsu Xingda Steel Cord Co. LtdJiangsu Key Laboratory of Structural and Functional Composites 
HUA Xin Jiangsu Xingda Steel Cord Co. LtdJiangsu Key Laboratory of Structural and Functional Composites 
JIANG Zhimei Jiangsu Xingda Steel Cord Co. LtdJiangsu Key Laboratory of Structural and Functional Composites 
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