仲启坤,李慧敏,徐浩,张兆红.纳米凹凸棒土/炭黑复合填料对天然橡胶/丁苯橡胶/顺丁橡胶并用胶性能的影响[J].橡胶科技,2018,16(1):34-37. 本文二维码信息
Effect of Nano Attapulgite/Carbon Black Composite Fillers on Properties of NR/SBR/BR Blends
中文关键词: 纳米凹凸棒土  炭黑  复合填料  并用胶  天然橡胶  丁苯橡胶  顺丁橡胶
英文关键词: nano attapulgite  carbon black  composite fillers  blends  natural rubber  styrene butadiene rubber  butadiene rubber
基金项目:江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目;徐 州工业职业技术学院科技项目(XGY201605)
仲启坤 徐州工业职业技术学院 
李慧敏 徐州工业职业技术学院 
徐浩 徐州工业职业技术学院 
张兆红 徐州工业职业技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 802
全文下载次数: 482
      In this study,composite filler consisting of nano attapulgite/carbon black N770/carbon black N330 was applied in the natural rubber(NR)/styrene butadiene rubber(SBR)/butadiene rubber(BR) blends and the effect of the nano attapulgite/carbon black N770 ratio in the composite filler on the properties of the rubber blend was investigated. The result showed that,with the increase of the nano attapulgite amount, the FL and Fmax of the blends increased,curing rate was slower,and physical properties,abrasion resistance and flex properties were improved. When the ratio of nano attapulgite/carbon black N770 was 30/15,the comprehensive performance of the blends was excellent. Compared with the blends with other composite fillers in which other inorganic fillers(clay,light calcium carbonate and silica) were used with carbon black, the tensile strength and tear strength were higher than those of the blends with nano attapulgite/carbon black composite filler,flex properties was better,and abrasion resistance was slightly worse.
Author NameAffiliation
ZHONG Qikun Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology 
LI Huimin Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology 
XU Hao Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology 
ZHANG Zhaohong Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology 
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