梁诚.我国橡胶助剂产业现状及发展策略[J].橡胶科技,2017,15(9):5-9. 本文二维码信息
Current Situation and Development Strategy of Rubber Additive Industry in China
中文关键词: 橡胶助剂  防老剂  促进剂  市场  环保
英文关键词: rubber additive  antioxidant  accelerator  market  environmental protection
梁诚 中国石化南京化学工业有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 724
全文下载次数: 416
      This paper analyzes the present situation,market demand and development strategy of rubber additive industry in China.In 2016,under the influence of positive factors such as the recovery of downstream industry,stabilization of tire export market,implementation of new traffic policy,China’s rubber additive prices and profits rose sharply,rubber additive production and sales amount increased,product types and production tended to concentrate,and the operation rate was lowered by more environment supervision check due to severe fog and haze caused by industrial pollution,so the construction upsurge of new capability continued.It is expected that China’s rubber additive industry will maintain an average annual growth rate of 3% to 4% in the next few years.With the implementation of new environmental protection law,environment supervision check will become more often and chemical industry in China continues to get streamlined and upgraded.China’s rubber additive industry should be driven by innovation and development of new products, implementation of clean technology,integration of automation and information technology in the manufacturing process,and reduction of excess capacity through mergers and acquisitions.
Author NameAffiliation
LIANG Cheng SINOPEC Nanjing Chemical Industry Co. Ltd 
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