贺春江,张国文,张宪清,杨维坚,吴智强.氧化锌减量对内燃机车用二系橡胶堆性能的影响[J].橡胶科技,2014,12(10):19-21. 本文二维码信息
Effect of Reduction of Zinc Oxide Amount on the Properties of Rubber Compound for Side Bearing
中文关键词: 机车用二系橡胶堆  氧化锌  压缩疲劳温升  屈挠龟裂  耐疲劳性能
英文关键词: rubber side bearing of secondary suspension on locomotive  zinc oxide  temperature increase due to dynamic compression  flex cracking  fatigue resistance
贺春江 中国铁道科学研究院金属及化学研究所 
张国文 中国铁道科学研究院金属及化学研究所 
张宪清 中国铁道科学研究院标准计量研究所 
杨维坚 中国铁道科学研究院金属及化学研究所 
吴智强 中国铁道科学研究院金属及化学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1115
全文下载次数: 614
      The effect of reduction of zinc oxide amount on the properties of the rubber compounds for the side bearing of secondary suspension on diesel locomotive and its influence on the performance of the finished rubber bearing parts were investigated. The addition amount of zinc oxide was reduced from original 5 phr to 3 phr. The experimental results showed that t10 and t90 of the compound were shortened. The hardness, modulus, tensile strength and compression set of the vulcanizates were unchanged, the tear strength increased, the temperature increase in dynamic compression test was reduced, and the flex cracking resistance was improved. The vertical stiffness and shear stiffness of the finished rubber parts decreased slightly. The vertical deformation, change of vertical stiffness and change of shear stiffness after fatigue test were reduced. The temperature increase of the rubber parts due to dynamic fatigue was reduced. The test results indicated that the fatigue resistance was improved.
Author NameAffiliation
HE Chunjiang Metals and Chemistry Research Institute China Academy of Railway Sciences 
ZHANG Guowen Metals and Chemistry Research Institute China Academy of Railway Sciences 
ZHANG Xianqing Standards and Metrology Research Institute China Academy of Railway Sciences 
YANG Weijian Metals and Chemistry Research Institute China Academy of Railway Sciences 
WU Zhiqiang Metals and Chemistry Research Institute China Academy of Railway Sciences 
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